About Us

Hello and thanks for visiting our page! Malted Mutt is composed of a craft beer & dog lover - Katie; and of course, my canine companion and taste-tester- Ziggy.

Ziggy is a young Australian Shepherd/ Catahoula mix with tons of energy to burn and no fear about what he eats. I grew up in the Inland Northwest area and am a huge supporter of local business and improving our community in every possible way.
I make Malted Mutt treats for Ziggy because I know they are made with only 100% natural and organic ingredients and are good for his active lifestyle. Ziggy loves them and I love making them! Every baking day, I typically play my music loud and share a tasty drink or two so as to thoroughly make the whole experience of baking an enjoyable one. You will notice music included on the labeling, because I know it helps our treats to bake extra delicious!
I decided to share treats with friends, family, and local businesses to grow my little business into something larger. My hope is to work with all of the breweries in the area and more!
Malted Mutt takes great care to be earth-friendly and sustainable in our business practices. I currently create our packaging from recycled paper bags and are continuously looking for more ways to keep my business GREEN & LOCAL.
I want to thank all of my friends, family, and local businesses who have been very positive and supportive of my endeavors, and hope your mutts love my treats as much as I love making them! -MM